FARM TOOLS Bolo - It is used for cutting tall grasses and weeds and chopping branches of trees. Crowbar - It is used for digging big holes and for digging big stones and stumps. Pick- mattock- It is used for digging canals, breaking hard top and for digging up stones and tree stumps. Grab Hoe- It is used for breaking hard topsoil and for pulverizing soil. Spade- It is used for removing trash or soil, digging canal or ditches, and mixing soil media. Shovel- It is used for removing trash, digging loose soil, moving soil from one place to another and for mixing soil media. Rake - It is used for cleaning the ground and leveling the topsoil. Spading Fork- It is used for loosening the soil, digging out root crops, and turning over the materials in a compost heap. Light Hoe- It is used for loosening and leveling soil and for digging up furrows for planting. Hand Trowel- It is used for loosening the soil around the growing plants and putting...